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Treasuring each moment with my kids.

by - 12:55


Just lately I feel as though I am becoming aware that my kids are growing up! It may sound strange since they are still only little at 5, 2 and 1 but I think that it is kind of sinking in that I won't be having anymore 😟! It's not even that I really want anymore as I really don't do pregnancy very well, 9 months of nausea and sickness 3 times over has kind of scarred me for life! It's just the realisation of not having anymore babies that make me want to appreciate every little thing they are doing now before it all passes and they are teenagers!!!

I would possibly say that when Daisy was born I didn't appreciate her baby stage as I was always wanting her to do the next thing and then when Sonny was born I didn't get much of a chance to fully appreciate his baby stage as by the time he was 7 months I was pregnant again and feeling sick and tired the whole time.  With Poppy everything feels totally different as I kind of know that each stage she passes will be my last time in that stage so I want to hold onto it for as long as possible and I also look at Daisy and think WOW how did 5 years go so quick!!

I suppose the good in all this is that I really want to treasure every moment even the normal every day things like the mad hour before bed when everyone seems to go wild, or getting ready for school in the morning as we dance to Disney songs ☺️. I never want to forget these days and I want to be able to look back through these blog posts as well as my YouTube videos and Instagram pictures and smile knowing that I captured it all or at least as much as I could.

Emma ☺️

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